About Us » Attendance


Please provide the following documents to enroll your child:

  1. Proof of Age (Birth Certificate or Passport)
  2. Proof of Address: Current utility bill (gas, water & power) or rental agreement.  Telephone bills or a driver's license will not be accepted as  "Proof of Address."
  3. Immunization Record
  4. Transfer (PAR) and Transcripts. (PARs are given at the last school of attendance.  Checkout grades are required for appropriate placement.)
  5. ID20 (For incoming elementary school students from other LAUSD schools only)
  6. Parent/Legal Guardian Identification
  7. IEP or 504 Plan (If applicable, must bring copy of current plan)

The enrollment process can not be completed if any of the documents mentioned above are missing.

1.  Person(s) picking up a student must be on the Emergency Card.

2.  Must have a photo ID, no exceptions.

3.  Person(s) picking up a student must be 21 years of age and over.

4.  Please take note: If parents arrive during nutrition or lunch, students will not be called until after the bell has sounded.

5.  Please send note with student when he or she returns to school.