Title I
Each school with a School Improvement Program is mandated by the State to establish a School Site Council. The SSC has the responsibility to review the implementation and effectiveness of the local School Improvement Program. The SSC annually develops a plan and budget to reflect the needs and priorities at the school. Membership includes parity between school personnel (the principal, teachers and others) and the community (parents, students and others).
Enter Title
The School Site Council (SSC) is responsible for developing the Single Plan for Student Achievement. The council is guided by Federal law (Title I), California law (Education Code 52012) and LAUSD policy (BUL-6332.0). The SSC also ensures that the following mandates are met:
The creation of the school-level Title I Parent Involvement Policy
The creation of the Title I School-Parent Compact
The development of the Title I parent involvement budget
The proposed expenditures of all categorical funds
The development of the comprehensive school safety plan
Members of the SSC include:
(Classified) Staff members
Drew Parent Student Teacher Compact 23-24
Orientation 24-25